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Having completed my Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning degree in November 2017, I have been applying for graduate planner positions throughout Queensland. I would like to gain experience working in development assessment over the next two years, either as an assessor in a council, or as a consultant in a private firm.


However, after studying Globalisation, the Asia-Pacific and Australia (1003GIR) as an elective course in my final trimester at university, I have discovered a passion for International Relations. Therefore I have decided to study Master of Arts (International Relations) at Deakin University online for a year, if I do not find a full-time planning job by the end of March.


With this Master degree, I aspire to one day work for UN-Habitat as a humanitarian planner; ideally aiding in the design, development and management of urban settlements for displaced populations. To achieve this, I intend to gain experience working as a planner in Lima, Peru, where my family is from, and where thousands of Venezuelan refugees have made their home.


If I find myself struggling again to find full-time work here after completing my Master degree, I will move to Peru in 2019. Otherwise, I will stay in Queensland and work for at least two years before considering a possible move to Peru, depending on how fulfilling I find my job here. With the right job, I could happily stay here for the rest of my life. After all, this is where I was born and raised, and I love watching these vibrant cities grow.






  • Either find a job as a graduate planner by the end of March, or begin studying for Master of Arts (International Relations) at Deakin University online.

  • If studying, apply for planning positions that open in early 2019.



  • Complete online study in mid-February.

  • If by the end of March there are no opportunities to start working as a planner, prepare move to Lima, Peru.

  • In Lima, find a job in the planning industry, or perhaps in the field of international relations.



​If working abroad:

  • Continue working and learn more about planning in and/or international relations in Peru.

  • Study Portuguese and apply for internships and/or junior position jobs at UN-Habitat.

If working at home:

  • Seek promotion or apply to higher position planning jobs.



  • Depending on the success of my applications, either start work at UN-Habitat or seek job opportunities back home in Queensland, or possibly Melbourne, Victoria.



  • If previous job applications to UN-Habitat were unsuccessful, try again.



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