Having completed my Bachelor of Urban and Environmental Planning degree in November 2017, I have been applying for graduate planner positions throughout Queensland. I would like to gain experience working in development assessment over the next two years, either as an assessor in a council, or as a consultant in a private firm.
However, after studying Globalisation, the Asia-Pacific and Australia (1003GIR) as an elective course in my final trimester at university, I have discovered a passion for International Relations. Therefore I have decided to study Master of Arts (International Relations) at Deakin University online for a year, if I do not find a full-time planning job by the end of March.
With this Master degree, I aspire to one day work for UN-Habitat as a humanitarian planner; ideally aiding in the design, development and management of urban settlements for displaced populations. To achieve this, I intend to gain experience working as a planner in Lima, Peru, where my family is from, and where thousands of Venezuelan refugees have made their home.
If I find myself struggling again to find full-time work here after completing my Master degree, I will move to Peru in 2019. Otherwise, I will stay in Queensland and work for at least two years before considering a possible move to Peru, depending on how fulfilling I find my job here. With the right job, I could happily stay here for the rest of my life. After all, this is where I was born and raised, and I love watching these vibrant cities grow.
Either find a job as a graduate planner by the end of March, or begin studying for Master of Arts (International Relations) at Deakin University online.
If studying, apply for planning positions that open in early 2019.
Complete online study in mid-February.
If by the end of March there are no opportunities to start working as a planner, prepare move to Lima, Peru.
In Lima, find a job in the planning industry, or perhaps in the field of international relations.
​If working abroad:
Continue working and learn more about planning in and/or international relations in Peru.
Study Portuguese and apply for internships and/or junior position jobs at UN-Habitat.
If working at home:
Seek promotion or apply to higher position planning jobs.
Depending on the success of my applications, either start work at UN-Habitat or seek job opportunities back home in Queensland, or possibly Melbourne, Victoria.
If previous job applications to UN-Habitat were unsuccessful, try again.